Everything Tiny and Blue That Will Try to Kill You

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When a human is “blue” we’re down or depressed. And nature feels the same way at times, but instead of feeling down, nature may want revenge!  That’s why all of the things in this post are tiny and blue, and each one of them can or may want to kill you.

The infographic below features an ever-growing list of tiny, blue and deadly things, along with explanations of the how one can be harmful, or why you may want to avoid it.  If you have a favorite tiny and blue, deadly threat, share it in the comments below.

And if you’re wondering why I’m posting this on a marketing site, I had a stressful week last week and needed something to take a breather.  I thought maybe you could use one too, so I wrote this post.  This post is just for fun, don’t take it serious and it is definitely not medical advice.  Ohh, and the amazon link is my affiliate link so I’ll earn a commission if you click it and shop.

everything tiny and blue that can kill you



  • Blue Ringed Octopus – Thanks to viral videos and everyone wanting to be a star, we are all aware of the deadly blue ringed octopus. According to Wikipedia the venom contains 7 main ingredients including Taurine and Dopamine.  To be fair, I’m not sure how these two are deadly, but I’m absolutely going to read more about this.  The octopus’s venom can lead to death in a matter of minutes, making the blue ringed octopus one of the most lethal animals (venom wise) in the world.
  • Blue Glaucus (Sea Slug, Nudibranch) – What I consider the highlander of the seas, the blue gaucus or sea dragon is a tiny blue slug that feasts on Portuguese man o’ wars, jellyfish and then absorbs their stingers.  These stingers are stored inside the blue sea slug and used as protection from predators. Technically they’re not toxic on their own, but if they had a full meal you’re in for a bad surprise.
  • Poison Dart Frog – As their name implies, these day dwelling amphibians contain poison that has been used to coat the sharp tips of weapons for hunting and war.
  • Blue Pit Viper – This particular species of snake believes in the fight, not flight theory of attack.  Not only is it venomous, but the venom can cause both internal and external bleeding, not to mention numerous other issues if you’re struck.
  • Blue Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgatus) – Although this blue snake reaches 5 feet (so it isn’t little), it makes this list because of its unique way to kill you. The venom in the blue coral snake causes all of your nerves to fire at once creating a very special and horrible way to die. If you google it you’ll see the wonderful title tags our fellow SEOs and marketers have used to describe it including “ridiculously potent”, “Venom unlike any other” and “Make your life a living hell”.

Fruits That Looks Like Edible Options:


  • Virginia creeper berries – Disguising itself as a blueberry, Virginia creeper berries will give you a run for your money and if ingested. One of the effects is bloody vomiting and a weak pulse.
  • Pokeweed – Although often consumed by birds, even one berry can kill a child.  What is even more interesting is that pokeweed is actually used in numerous medicines and in food coloring.  It’s deadly and useful, kind of reminds me of the cartoon shows that cook and eat poisonous fishes (like this one) and you have to hope the chef got the right part on the plate.
  • Nightshade (Belladonna) – This beautiful and sweet berry has been known to dilate eyes to enhance beauty, but that comes at a cost. Nightshade berries contain both hyoscyamine and scopolamine and all parts of the plant are toxic.  If ingested, death can occur due to respiratory failure according to the US Federal Park Services website.
  • Moonseed – If you’re out foraging for food and are looking for a sweet snack, you’ll want to skip the moonseed. Although they look like grapes, they’re highly toxic and dangerous for human consumption.  I’m not one to “wine” about grapes, but these look-a-likes are something that’ll leave you “vining” for your life.
  • Elderberry – You can go on any health site and find elderberry supplements, not to mention pies and baked goods in stores.  But did you know that elderberries are also toxic?  The seeds contain glycosides which turn into cyanide, and cyanide is toxic to humans when consumed.

Toxic Blue Flowers and Plants


  • Hydrangea – Hydrangea contains cyanogenic glycoside (cyanide), yup, the same thing used to murder people in mystery novels and thrillers.  But don’t worry, the amount per flower and plant is minimal, and according to a whole slew of websites likely won’t all out kill a person, but your four legged friends (who I do consider human) could end up in bad shape.
  • Monkshood (Wolf’s Bane, Devil’s Helmet, Blue Rocket) – This beautiful but deadly flower contains aconitum, the queen of poisons.  Although the plant is large, the flowers are not large, and the entire plant is poisonous. And just a few drops of this relative to the buttercup can cause heart failure and death making it one of our top picks for things that are tiny, blue and will kill you.
  • Larkspur (Delphinium) – Common across the western US, the NIH has reported poisoning and death due to this deadly flower and plant.  The good news is that it is rare a human will die and it is mostly consumed by cattle grazing.  And the older the plant gets, the less toxic it supposedly becomes.
  • Iris – Whether they have a beard or are plain, Irises are in fact toxic to both humans and pets. The good news is the toxicity level is low for humans, so I wouldn’t throw out that stunning bouquet just yet.
  • Clematis – You’ve likely seen these stunning flowers growing on a vine, but if you ever picked a flower and chewed it, you may not be in for a fun ride. The clematis flower is toxic and the poisons are released while you chew the flowers.

Other Blue and Dangerous Things:


  • Blue Hydrogen – Touted as one of the best alternatives to coal for an eco-friendly and green energy source, according to Smithsonian Magazine, new studies show it could be the opposite.  Blue Hydrogen may leave a larger carbon footprint and cause more harm than the current energy sources making it a top threat for the other section of things that are tiny, blue and deadly.  Ending all or most life on earth is certainly no short feat.
  • Lilac Cort Mushroom – This funny fungus is listed on page 60 of the field guide on the Illinois state site as highly toxic. Even though the lilac court mushroom looks like some of the edible mushrooms you’ll see at the grocery store, you’ll want to avoid taking your chances.
  • Vexy Smurf – Although you’re not her main target, Vexy is little blue and ready to wreak havoc across the realm.
  • Blue Legos  – Ok, not deadly, well unless they get stuck in your throat, but these plastic pain-causers will make you wish for an instant death when stepped on.
  • The Blue Shadow Virus – Although once eradicated long before the clone wars, the blue shadow virus was restructured and brought back to life by Dr. Nuvo Vindi of the confederacy in Star Wars.
  • Viagara – according to the NIH, Viagra may have been linked to 240 deaths…what a fun way to die!  But the article says this isn’t FDA verified and the study was not peer reviewed, so I wouldn’t worry or panic or not try it…just talk to your doctor first and see what your doctor recommends.

Do you know of something that is tiny and blue and may kill you?  Leave it with a source in the comments below.

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